Make sure to wash all of your produce well prior to adding to your blender. If you're using any non-organic produce, wash extremely well to remove any potential pesticides.
Add all of the ingredients to a large blender. You may have to do two rounds if you only have a small blender.
Blend until smooth. Pour the liquid into a large mixing bowl through a mesh strainer. Use the back of the spoon to press as much liquid through the strainer as possible. Add the pulp to an ice cube mold and store in the freezer - you can use the cubes in smoothies for a hit of greens!
Divide the liquid between shot glasses. This recipe yields about 550ml of liquid which fits about 8 and 1/2 2oz shot glasses. Store in the fridge and enjoy within 3-4 days. If you don't think you'll consume it all, save leftovers in the freezer.